Thursday, September 28, 2006

Shower registrations & Java Training

Well, we've set up the shower registries. I really enjoy doing that, if anything to have that scanner (called by the Babies'R'Us lady as a phaser) to shoot anything in the store. I think they did that to let the guys feel useful :)

For those interested, we did register ourselves at:
Toys/Babies'R'Us (I checked, the registry works at both places)

I'm in Java training class all week. This is a programming language, I'm not learning how to make a good cup of coffee (already know how to do that). I have to drive in the Grandview Triangle, which is the worst traffic area in the entire Metropolitan area. Today was really bad, I did 25mph stop/go pretty much from when I got on the Interstate to where I needed to drop off.

For the first time in over a month, I get to stay home this weekend. Granted, I'm on-call this weekend, so I could have to work if need be, but still, I don't have anywhere to be. That'll be a nice change of pace.

Friday, September 22, 2006

And they said I wouldn't be able to feel her

Lying on the couch watching the SG1 team head towards Merlin's weapon to fight the Ori (pronounced Au-Ri), Sara gesticulated me to place my hand on her side. After two minutes. *BUMP*


They said, since the placenta was in front it would be a very long time before I felt her, and here I am, ending week 22 :)

Good for me. Of course after that she refused to move around where I could notice, but still....

Thursday, September 21, 2006

They come in Three's

Or so i've been told. Luckily, it's not the house that's falling apart, but just everything else.

Let's start with Sara's Car. We come back from Whichita, KS State Fair, and she's going over to Mandy's to pick up my Birthday Present, whilst I go to my brothers to pick up my Dog.

Nearly home, Sara calls to say her car isn't working. She tries to turn it on, then the wipers go off, the CD player spits out the CD and the lights turn on.

Great, I think, the alternator's bad. She's on the phone with her mom, and I"m calling insurance to make sure I have paid for them to tow a car. Well, Her mom gets on the horn to her old mechanic buddy, and he thinks it's just the battery. Great! SO we have 60 minutes to rush to the Sears store to buy a battery (Wal*Mart may have batteries, but here, I don't wish to skimp, DieHard baby) and raced back to hook it up. Got frustrated when I may have lost a piece that keeps the battery secure, but Sara was able to get it. Battery worked, we lived to see another day.

Part II: I had my 90K checkup on my car, they said the tread on my tires were low, but not dangerously so. SO, I decided to wait a little before replacing them. Saturday we have a Wedding to drive to in Topeka. We drove to Lenexa to visit with Ashley, and I stopped to fill up my car. Well apparently my tires have never stopped in this fasion, because I found the edge on the Driver's Side front nearly bald, and starting to rupture. I filled the tire with air, and then began to panic as to how to fix my car, and not miss the wedding. Ashley came through, and allowed us to borrow her old car, and we dropped the Truck off at Firestone to replace the tires.

Then Sunday, we're doing laundry. Whites are the last load, and we put them in the dryer. Before, however, I was pulling out the light colored clothes, and was moving the drum to reach a pair of shorts when i heard a KLUNK! Bothered but not terribly worried, i put the whites in and turned it on. THis horrid Metal screeching noise ensued from our dryer. Turned it off. Now, we've replaced it with my step brother's old one (still works, they just upgraded).

I think I'm done for now. Like Jury Duty, I hope My name's off the list for a few years now.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Is my future Jedi Master a Luke or a Leia?

Friday was the "Big Reveal"

The baby was not being cooperative, the tech had to giggle and jostle, and then suddenly we hear an "Uh there it is" meaning my child's dirty bits.

The tech seemed very positive on what she saw, and the votes are in:

The first of the Bishop Bunch: The Next Generation is...

... A Girl.

YAY! I'm having a daughter. This ought to be funny with me, as I have no sisters, raised no girls. So I'll really be flying without a net :)

Am I up for the challenge? Tune in to find out.

Woke up to a heavy rainstorm today. In fact a crack of thunder knocked me out of slumber and reminded my dog that she needed to pee. Got new tires on the truck, as I found this weekend they should have actually ruptured about a week ago.

That's all I know for now.

Monday, September 11, 2006

State Fair 3 of 3 and baby movements

Well, We went to the last of the State Fair runs this weekend by going to the Kansas State Fair. Generally nice weather. Overcast pretty much all day, and by the time it started raining, we headed home. Had a good time, saw an Angora rabbit that was so furry it looked like a dog. took a picture of a 600lb Pumpkin, and saw the Butter Sculpture.

Would have loved to do more, but the weather and just age I guess wore me out. By 6:30 I had lost all energy. During that wipeout I kept thinking "I'm going to have a child next year, I better find more reserve power here"

Sara's feeling the kid more often now, although she's still reserving "It might be gas" just in case. I place my hand on her tummy, but can't feel anything. I think the baby's avoiding me.

But HA! The upper hand is mine. A friend of mine who has an older baby sent me a whole mess of stuff she no longer needed. Diapers mainly, but we'll go through those like nobody's business, and (triumphant chord) a Baby Heart monitor, with Two, count'em TWO headphones so we can hear baby's heartbeat. Right now we can't find the kid, but I assume as the young'un get's older we'll hear the heartbeat.

Tonight is family dinner night, mainly because my Stepfather, my brother and I are all celebrating our birthday. We all share the same day. Adding one more to the festivities never bothered me much, as I've shared my birthday for .... well 30 years now.

SPeaking of 30, I've dreaded this age all year so much, now that it's here, I don't seem to care. It's not the "Oh no! I'm old" feeling, it's more of a milestone of sorts. This is the beginning of the "Decade" birthdays. Y'know, no more 12, 16, 18,21, now it's 30, 40, 50, 60, 65 (retirement age, that one's a freebee) 70, 80, 90, and pretty much after 90 you go back to annual, because many people are surprsied you're living that long. Also, at 30, you no longer get the excuses for stupidity in adulthood. Teenagers get the excuse because, well they're teenagers. in yoru 20's you get the "well you're just starting out, you're still learning".. now I'm 30, I should know better.

Oh well, my insurance goes down again with this age, so I guess it can't all be that bad.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Halfway Baby Point

We've started week 20, which is basically the Halfway marker of the pregnancy.

This is highlighted by the fact that for the first Time, My wife believes she felt the baby. Now, she also will give credit that it may have just been gas, but, since she's never mentioned it before... I'm going to give her this benefit.

Went to the Rennaisance festival this Sunday ( Had fun. Did the Barbarian Tournament again, and actually made it to Round 2. I was happy. They added a melee team battle at the end. Not bad, little calm (no one wanted to be hit) and not every kid followed the rules (2 hits to arms & legs your our, one body shot your out, boulder hit you your out), but still fun. Followed by our annual Olive Garden Never-Ending Pasta Bowl for dinner, in costume. we spawned a lot of conversation on the Ren Fest :)

My labor day was filled with mowing the lawn, getting groceries and attempting to pack up the crap in the Baby's room.

Work hit me hard as 3 things were not working right the moment i logged in, so now it's business as usual.