Well, We went to the last of the State Fair runs this weekend by going to the Kansas State Fair. Generally nice weather. Overcast pretty much all day, and by the time it started raining, we headed home. Had a good time, saw an Angora rabbit that was so furry it looked like a dog. took a picture of a 600lb Pumpkin, and saw the Butter Sculpture.
Would have loved to do more, but the weather and just age I guess wore me out. By 6:30 I had lost all energy. During that wipeout I kept thinking "I'm going to have a child next year, I better find more reserve power here"
Sara's feeling the kid more often now, although she's still reserving "It might be gas" just in case. I place my hand on her tummy, but can't feel anything. I think the baby's avoiding me.
But HA! The upper hand is mine. A friend of mine who has an older baby sent me a whole mess of stuff she no longer needed. Diapers mainly, but we'll go through those like nobody's business, and (triumphant chord) a Baby Heart monitor, with Two, count'em TWO headphones so we can hear baby's heartbeat. Right now we can't find the kid, but I assume as the young'un get's older we'll hear the heartbeat.
Tonight is family dinner night, mainly because my Stepfather, my brother and I are all celebrating our birthday. We all share the same day. Adding one more to the festivities never bothered me much, as I've shared my birthday for .... well 30 years now.
SPeaking of 30, I've dreaded this age all year so much, now that it's here, I don't seem to care. It's not the "Oh no! I'm old" feeling, it's more of a milestone of sorts. This is the beginning of the "Decade" birthdays. Y'know, no more 12, 16, 18,21, now it's 30, 40, 50, 60, 65 (retirement age, that one's a freebee) 70, 80, 90, and pretty much after 90 you go back to annual, because many people are surprsied you're living that long. Also, at 30, you no longer get the excuses for stupidity in adulthood. Teenagers get the excuse because, well they're teenagers. in yoru 20's you get the "well you're just starting out, you're still learning".. now I'm 30, I should know better.
Oh well, my insurance goes down again with this age, so I guess it can't all be that bad.