Monday, February 16, 2009

The Trees are cyring

Normally I've trimmed up my trees about early to late June. Mostly because I never remembered until then. However, I've been told by sources (my stepfather and friends at work) that the best time is just before Spring, namely now. So yesterday armed with my trusty Stanley Handsaw and two lawn/leaf paper bags, I went about my task. It took the better part of two hours, mostly because this year I had some decent sized branches to cut off (2" diameter). And I didn't think that it'd be easier to cut them up into pieces while they're still on the tree, so I used my kids' swingset as a makeshift Sawhorse. Anyway, after I got all the cutting done and bagged to be picked up by recycling (which doesn't start until April I think... that's another post) When I noticed the trees dripping. The larger cuts seemed okay, but some of the little branches I trimmed off were "bleeding". Guess sap has started pouring in.

Side Note: The sap from my trees tastes like sweet trees.

Well later in the evening I saw that all of them were pretty much pouring sap out of every cut, which got me worried. Called George who said it'd be fine, mom called back later asking if I called, and she said it'd be fine, but I could get that Pine Tar stuff you can use as a bandage. I know experts out there are saying just let the tree heal on its own, and I"m trying to do that. I just didn't want to have accidentally killed my trees because i pruned them.

This morning I went to check on them, and they all pretty much had frozen over. I'm wondering if that type of protection will help them heal faster.

I know I'm overthinking this.. but I don't want to have to buy 4 new trees....


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