Monday, August 07, 2006

Always buy a Home Owner's Warranty

there's a few things in life you always must remember.

Always have a towel
Look both ways before crossing the street
I before E, except after C. and sounding like "A" as in Neighbor and Wiegh.

and now I give you this:

Always buy a Home Owner's Warranty.

Why? Simple, SOMETHING will break within the first year of you living there. there's too many things in a house for this not to be true.

Mine was the Air Conditioner. Came home from work and the house felt funny, and had an odd smell (the smell was nothing, but it set me to thinking something wasn't right). Well going upstairs I found the air blowing with all it's might, but no coolness, and we were at 84 and climbing. For those who read this and do not live in Missouri, we've been having average 105-110 weather for about 2 weeks now. This day was one of the hottest so far.

Went outside and heard the A/C trying to start, then quit. Called my Home Owner's Warranty People, and found that YES, they covered this.

Unfortunatley, I could not get a person out until the next day, around 1ish. This sounds bad, but since I heard people were having to wait weeks to get the A/C fixed, I decided it wasn't so bad. It did help that I have two small pets who overheat easily, and a Pregnant woman in the house to speed up the repair, but still.

But it did make for an interesting eveining.

Had to go buy another fan for downstairs, as the one we currently own was on the bunny, doing his best in all that fur to stay cool.

We pulled out the hideaway in the basement, and had the whole house opened up with air going everywhere. We did have a reprieve that night and went down to about 67 degrees. It made the basement cool, but upstairs was still so warm.

Well the guy came, and found that athe two speed motor decided to quit working in the higher gear. He reccommended replacing it, which he hopes to do today, insurance withstanding.

It was a 3 year old A/C, so he was as surpised as I when it quit. Now the bill. What could have easily been a bill that could have reached up to 1000 (parts, labor etc) I just had to pay a service fee of 55.

so in conclustion BUY A HOME OWNER'S WARRANTY! :)


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