Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ultrasound day

Today's the day we go in to see our child for the first time. Granted, I'll probably have to just take the tech's word for it, and realize it's the size of a peanut, with looks to match, but still. I hope to hear the heartbeat, that'll be neat.

Then after that fun and games... it's time to *Dramatic music* Mow and trim the lawn. My life is monotonous when it comes to yardwork, seems it's all I do anymore.

Oh well, Our kitchen cabinet is ready for install this coming weekend. SO after that we'll empty more boxes, hopefully making a dent in the baby's room.


At Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:06:00 AM, Blogger KU Mommy said...

Brad... please ask your wife to update her blog. I want to her about her pregnantasticness. Ohh... and ya'll should post sonogram pics too cuz that's way cool!!!

Thanks and Goodday


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