I remembered a dream!
This is a unique situation for me, because since I turned about 13, I haven't remembered any of my dreams. I know I have them, but as soon as the alarm kicks off, it fades away into the nethers of my poriatal lobes.
Anyway, The gist of the dream was my wife was avoiding me whilst we were at a grocery store. I don't think it was rudeness, just she was very busy finding what she needed.
The grocery store was elaborate among elaborate. It was a mansion of grocery stores, with aisles for as long as the eye could see.
And apparently a fully stocked restaraunt, because my brother was there constantly feeding me. The meal I was eating before I woke up was a very large Pork Chop on top of Mashed Potatoes, no gravy.
then the alarm went off.
I distinctly remember C-3P0 being somewhere in there, but the specifics of that went away at 5:00am CDT.
For the longest time, all I could do was lucid dream and I could just sorta control what I dreamed. I liked that. I can't usually do that anymore and I would have the same dream over and over again in the same night about something I have to do the next day and keep thinking that I've done it. I still do that though.
sometimes I remember dreams but lately I've been dreaming about snakes, so I wish I couldn't
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