Monday, July 30, 2007

To sleep, perchance to dream

The gross misuse of the Hamlet quote is not in reference to dying, but the fact that I can now get a full nights sleep (theoretically). Nora for three nights acted as if the 10pm bottle was unnecessary. So saturday night we dropped it. Poof gone, once she's in bed, she's in bed! YAY! So to celebrate the missus and I fell asleep at 8:30pm (Long day of driving everywhere for groceries, and to get her 6month pictures & family portrait done; all three of us were tired.) Unfortunately, my body's not used to that much rest, so I was up at 4am without much hope of going back to bed.

Also, best investment I've got for my daughter is one of those play seats she can swivel in and see toys all around her. She occupies herself in that for 30-60 minutes at a time, and for a 6 month old, that's a LONG time.

Grass is very dead.. it scares me how much won't come back next year, and if weeds'll replace them or I'll have to reseed. I'm more worried about one of my tries that doesn't like dry weather, I'm having to water it every other day to make sure it isn't dying... although it doesn't look all that healthy. Haven't mowed in 2 weeks, but you'd never notice. Need to liquid fence the lawn again, we had enough rain to wash that away, so now the bunnies are back.

Have the audio of Harry Potter VII, read by Jim Dale. I noticed the intro music is different than the previous 6.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - No Spoilers

Never have I read a book faster in my life. Sara finished it Sunday 2:30am, and I picked it up from there. Early on Monday I completed it, just couldn't put the thing down. Also, I have never, NEVER been moved to tears in a book before. Just not my thing. However, there was one part in this that just broke me up. I'm tempted to write Ms. Rowling to inform her of this.

In other news, I sprayed Liquid Fence around my backyard to keep the bunnies out... that stuff STINKS, but so far haven't seen any bunnies, so it's good. Lawn is still dying, no rain now for a month, very hard to remember that in April I had rivers of water flowing down the side of my house and my backyard became a swamp.

Nora's 6 months now, pictures will be coming shortly. She's 19lbs 9 oz, which means she's about to outgrow her current carseat. Doc says that they have to be 20lbs, and 1 year before they face forward, so we need to find a conversion chair. Sara's found one that hopefully won't be too expensive.

New computer at home is awesome, WoW loaded in record time and lag was unheard of. I need to raise the monitor up (19" flat panel.. sweet) because after I ran my friends through the Deadmines, I noticed my eyes were hurting and my neck was stiff.

That's all from my world.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My life is complete

last night my baby girl finally learned how to say "Da-da".

In other news, my lawn in dying from the 95 weather (Heat index: 160) and my poor dog is running like mad in an out of the house to avoid burning her paws on the deck that's been sitting in the baking sun since 1pm.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Stupid Weed Eater

Or, wait, that's a name brad, the term is Electric Trimmer. Anyway, my Weed Eater ran out of wire a couple week's ago, so I bought more. Now I can't unlock the stupid spool to put the new wire in. I used brute force, pliers, wrench, the thing is fastened on tight. So now I'm wondering if I should just fork over another 35 and buy a new trimmer.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Daughter's first words

She's been rolling the "ma-ma" around for a couple days now, and for me it was hard to tell if she was actually saying ma-ma or just babbling. This morning Sara called me at work and eventually I got to hear her second word. "ba-ba" which, of course is baby for "Bottle". Now we have to work on "da-da", then "Jami" for our babysitter.

I've been to San Diego the first half of this week. My dad's not in the greatest of health, and on Sunday he fell in the bathroom, and banged his head on the countertop. He's having low blood platelets, which means he has trouble clotting. So the bang on the head got bleeding in the brain, and the doctors weren't sure if they could do anything. Essentially, my step-brother heard this and started dialing the phone to let us know Dad was in terminal condition.

The next day dad was becoming coherent and lucid, and we got to see him that afternoon. The next day we visited with my father all day, and I think it did him a world of good. He was scheduled to move out of the ICU into the PCU, and I guess they upgraded his condition to Critical.

That all being said, and obviously the trip wasn't a fun in the sun one, I got to see the Pacific Ocean, beautiful. and San Diego weather is very nice, perennially 70 and sunny.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Transformers Rocked!

Side note: the weeds under my patio appear to have taken a hit from the weed killer, but don't appear dead yet, another application may be necessary.

Next: As much trepidation as I had with seeing the new Transformers before the movie, I was very much impressed with the show. I do think the fact that Peter Cullen voicing once again Optimus Prime helped in that transition. Its going on my DVD must own list.

Monday, July 02, 2007

A veritable forest is growing under my deck.

I know I need to stir up the dirt and add more mulch under there, but in the meantime I'm getting weeds and fast growing grasslike crap. It's becoming to much of a pain (metaphorically and literally) to Weed-Eat it every 2 weeks, so I want to kill it. I bought Ortho Weed-B-Gone for the hose and sprayed it rather liberally. However, it doesn't look like it's dying. I'm a bit afraid to try like Round up or anything, because I don't want to kill my grass. So I'll perhaps try another round of that stuff after I mow tonight to see if it'll destroy my weed patch.

No flooding this time round. I found that the caulking on the door to the concrete step had pretty much eroded to nothing, so I replaced that. Wound up replacing it with a Silicone instead of standard caulk, which made it very messy to try, but the rain showed up on Friday and didn't leave until Sunday, and no rain in the basement. Yay.