Monday, June 25, 2007

Starving Artists my left foot

So Sara found a commercial for a "Starving Artist" sale from 10-5. We did go, and bought two really nice paintings, frames, and hanging kits for about x amount, which, since I didn't do the math in my head, really shocked me. That all being said, they're pretty and look well in our kitchen/bedroom.

The Kitchen one I picked out. It's a still life, a Cannister (Dark brown/black) in the background, with a well worn stoneware yellow water pitcher. On each side of the pitcher is tomatoes of varying ripeness ( Sara & I thought they were apples when we got it, but closer inspection showed them to be 'maters), One side they're in a green stoneware bowl, the other a steel/silver tray. Quite simple but pretty.

The bedroom picture is one that looks like two Roman Statues. Except they're not actual statues, it's a Roman Couple in an "awww" huggy pose. I spect Sara could explain it better, but it looks real nice in the bedroom, and since it's mostly shades of white (for the marble of a statue) it compliments the purple wall.

In other news:
Nearly saw an accident happen this morning on the way to work. Apparently a truck didn't want to be in the right-turn only lane, and shifted one to the left. Well the blue car in that lane wasn't real appreciative, and blared his horn, understandably. Mr. Truck didn't seem to mind or care, cause he kept right on coming. So the two shared that lane (we were at a red light), with Mr. Blue car mostly over the double yellows. Well Light turns green and Blue Car forces his way back into the lane, shoving Mr. Truck behind him. I stayed 1.5 car lengths behind all this so My car would be safe.

My daughter woke up this morning 30 min before my alarm was to go off. A rather hearty cry, as I correctly interpreted as "Why on God's Green Pasture am I awake?! I want to go back to sleep"
Reswaddle, and one pacifier later, I got 25 min of naptime before I needed to face the day.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My First Father's Day

Guess I didn't know what to expect on this day, and probably still don't since I'm kinda new at this whole "Dad" thing.

My wife took me out to a Japanese Steakhouse on Saturday, whilst Mom came over and babysat Little One. We had a wonderful, tasty, and filling meal. We also saw what I will assume were brothers (not twins, although I guess I couldn't rule out fraternal) with their respective wives and 3.5 month olds. One had a baby girl, one had a baby boy. Both were cute. Little girl fell asleep, while little boy stared wide eyed at everything that was there. Sara turned to me and said, "Is that what people see when they see Nora?" Nora has the same "wide-eyed gotta see everything or else I'll miss it" look to her.

Sunday I took my stepfather out for breakfast, then we went to Nelson-Atkins to see the new addition they put on the place. Not bad. it's mostly contemporary art, which I've never fully understood, but most of it could be considered art. Well, except one piece. Two lightbulbs on sockets that plug into the wall.. that's it... that was "art". I asked if that was art to Sara, and a woman turned and laughed at me, pointing at her husband. Apparently I'm not the only one that asked that question.

Now I don't know what's sadder, the fact that the person who made that thinks that's art (It's hardware) or thte fact that the Nelson's probably had to pay to get that piece.

After the museum, I went to see Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Not a bad little flick.

Monday, June 11, 2007

The house is clean!

Yay, after weeks of attempting to fix the cubby hole, I finally bought some carpet to toss in there (keep the stuff off the floor) and moved it back in. Barring any new Flood rains, it should stay dry enough for me to caulk the outside and keep the rain back for another 25+ years.

Also this weekend we decided to overhaul the house and really clean it up (the fact that little one is rolling over helped kick us in gear).

I can see counterspace now! I can see the kitchen table! it's just wonderful.

Watched Slither this weekend. just a regular 80s style gorefest sans boobies. Not bad, but nothing I'd reccommend either.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Back from Branson

The 4-day vacation is over, and I must say I enjoyed myself. This was the first time in perhaps the better part of a decade in which my entire nuclear family (George's kids and Mom's) were all in the same place. 12 Adults, 2 teenagers, 1 pre-teen, 1 toddler and 2 infants all in Branson.

We did a BBQ cookout and Celebration City together, but the rest was all on your own. I did Silver Dollar City, Ripley's Believe it or Not, Titanic, and just plain rested the entire time.

Driving down, I got to eat at Lambert's restaurant.. home of the Throwed Roll. Those things are HOT! Also, the food portions are beyond hearty. I enjoyed my leftovers :)

Came home on Monday to a very overgrown lawn, but no energy to mow. Wanted to do that tonight, but work might keep me here. It's getting ridiculous, little sprouts of tallgrass are showing up, and all the others have mowed, so now I'm odd-man out. After that, I finally have to fix the one portion of the house that leaked during the floodwater.

More grass seed has taken hold in my dirt, so it should look much less patchy here soon.