Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My First Father's Day

Guess I didn't know what to expect on this day, and probably still don't since I'm kinda new at this whole "Dad" thing.

My wife took me out to a Japanese Steakhouse on Saturday, whilst Mom came over and babysat Little One. We had a wonderful, tasty, and filling meal. We also saw what I will assume were brothers (not twins, although I guess I couldn't rule out fraternal) with their respective wives and 3.5 month olds. One had a baby girl, one had a baby boy. Both were cute. Little girl fell asleep, while little boy stared wide eyed at everything that was there. Sara turned to me and said, "Is that what people see when they see Nora?" Nora has the same "wide-eyed gotta see everything or else I'll miss it" look to her.

Sunday I took my stepfather out for breakfast, then we went to Nelson-Atkins to see the new addition they put on the place. Not bad. it's mostly contemporary art, which I've never fully understood, but most of it could be considered art. Well, except one piece. Two lightbulbs on sockets that plug into the wall.. that's it... that was "art". I asked if that was art to Sara, and a woman turned and laughed at me, pointing at her husband. Apparently I'm not the only one that asked that question.

Now I don't know what's sadder, the fact that the person who made that thinks that's art (It's hardware) or thte fact that the Nelson's probably had to pay to get that piece.

After the museum, I went to see Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Not a bad little flick.


At Tuesday, June 19, 2007 6:56:00 PM, Blogger Kathleen said...

I love Japanese steak houses.


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