Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Problems in coffeeland

Well, Folgers Simply Smooth coffee, while tasty and apparently soft on stomachs, might still be too much for me. I've been doing a cup a day for about a week and a half now, and I'm beginning to wonder if my Reflux is acting up again. Nothing severe yet, but it's probably enough of a warning that I should lay off it for a while, perhaps one cup a week, perhaps permanently.

Back to International Foods I go.

Bummer, and I was so enjoying coffee again...


At Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:37:00 PM, Blogger Ceshell said...

I'm sorry you're having probs with coffee again. :( You know I don't drink coffee and can't stand the stuff, but I looked this up on Google for ya and this was all I found. I doubt it will be of any help in waking you in the mornings, but here ya go:


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