The Time has come
And I ain't happy.
My daughter is showing interest in the potty. She likes to sit on it (well her S's are coming out as S-H's, but that's another post) but she hasn't actually peed on it yet. Found out yesterday she's showing interest because her friend at daycare is potty learning.
As a parent, you know this day will come, but I don't think even the prospect of "No more diaper changes" prepares you for it. Toilet Learning scares the P-wads out of me. mainly due to accidents. Why would this daunt me, a man who has changed diapers for 18 months now? Well, training pants are cloth, she has her own bowl that doesn't have plumbing, meaning you have to clean it in the toilet, It means I have to stop stalling and fully babyproof the bathroom. It also means my baby is barely a toddler anymore, and she's now a kid.
Top it off, we have a strong feeling she's teething. Fever with no explanation, almost constant crankiness, and she pointed at her mout the other day and said hurt. Poor kid, this is the worst tooth yet, and it's been over a week now, that tooth is being a pain.
Get Pull-ups, they're not cloth. That way she'll graduate to regular, big-girl panties when the accidents occur way, way less.
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