Nothing much new that I can think of. Spent some extra hours at work making sure we'd hit our installation deadline, got a few more badges for my main in City of Heroes, and most interestingly:
My daughter apparently has learned to tickle. Now it's not actual tickling as I don't get the giggles from that, but her method of doing it, vocalizations, hand movements, facial features, etc. are just damned adorable.
We were leaving Carrabba's for a Mother's Day lunch when while carrying her to the car, she scrunched up her face with a child's grin, making "Di Di DI DDEE DEE" type noises, and wiggling her fingers on my collarbone. This fully caught me off guard and Sara and I had a very large laugh about this. Later in the day we said the word "tickle" and this would again commence, which is how we're sure she's trying to tickle us.
Kids are cute :)
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