Monday, June 30, 2008

Rabbit repellant

Well, since my large bottle of articficial wolf pee broke, and I have yet to replace the nozzle, My wife found an alternative that might work. Strain crushed red pepper in boiling water. Essentially make a tea out of pepper seeds, and put that in a spray bottle. Spritz this over the areas they eat and viola, the bunnies will avoid it.

Apparently this also has a side effect of making squirrels jump really high in the air.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

Well this was an interesting Father's Day. It's my second one as a father, first time I got to take my daughter out (last year we went out to a restaurant after she went to sleep) and the first year I have only my step-father to share Father's Day with.

Went to a steakhouse on saturday, but I think my Stepfather enjoyed the Yellow Cake/Chocolate Frosting cupcakes my wife made him better. We were to go to a Restoartion down that's circa 1855 in the neighborhood, but After I mowed the lawn, it felt of rain, which sure enough came to us shortly after 2pm, and then off and on all the way until this morning. Guess I should be somewhat grateful, it wasn't the torrents of water that we've been plagued with as of late, but still, I wanted to go. Well there's next week. Which is my mother's birthday, so maybe she'll go with as she used to take me when I was a kid.

My daughter went to a new babysitter this morning. Our old one had to call it quits because they're moving. She was good to my baby girl, we'll miss her. However our new baby sitter had a note on the board welcoming her to the day care, and a boy let her play with his soccer ball. I'm told that this boy is very possessive about his soccer ball, and lettter her play with it is a very big sign :) It appears she'll have a good time there, but I'm sure there will still be an adjustment period for her to get used to. She'll have a communal sleeping area for starters, that'll be a new one for her. I think she'll try and be sociable rather than sleepy for a while, or forever :) I believe I'm picking her up tonight, so we'll see how her first day went.

This Thursday I get to go to a Minor League Baseball game for a team building exersize on my current project. It's been a few years since I've been to a game period. Here's hoping I remember to bring a cap, sunscreen, and my sunglasses. :)

Monday, June 09, 2008

Noah is my neighbor

Or he's thinking of moving in across the street. We've been inundated with water. My backyard is almost permanently a pool, and my driveway has become a slip n slide. The good of this is that the tree I'm having problems with looks like it's beginning to thrive. I put some fertilizer stakes in the ground and all this rain is moving that stuff to the tree. Although it killed the grass around it. Either by my hammering those things in, or the over fertilizing of the grass.

Bought a potty yesterday. No, not a toilet a potty. I little one with stickers to begin the acclimation of my girl (and her parents) on the road to potty training. She's still just 1 1/2, so we have a while before we start in earnest, but we need to prepare now.

Iron Chef (the original Japanese version) is on Fine Living Network now, YAY! They removed 90% of the original music and replaced it with synthesized musack that doesn't have the same oomph as the original score. BOO! I sent an email to Food Network YAY! they haven't responded, BOO!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Full sentences and fake pee

Got your attention? Good, cause this post is pretty boring after that. This weekend we went to the grocery store, twice, to lessen the load and attempt to do it in ashorter window for Nora's sake. Worked nicely actually.
Also, I went to the hardware store and bought some tree spikes for my Cherry-ish tree that's not doing so well, here's hoping that will work. I also bought a large jug of liquid fence to try to keep those rabbits from digging up my yard. Unfortunately I rounded one corner and the spray handle disintegrated, spreading that nasty smelling liquid on my hands. 6 scrubbings, isopropyl alcohol, a shower and a pumice stone later, the smell finally dissapeared.\

Tonight if it's dry I get to weed kill the North section of my back lawn to kill a bunch of weeds that have garnered a foothold in my lawn. I would have thought this to not be a big deal, but learned that it will kill off my regular grass, then they'll die off leaving large patches of dirt in its wake. So off to kill Weeds I go, and hope the Grass can recover until I can afford GreenLawn or ChemLawn or something to help me out.

My daughter's first full sentence was last week. Great Aunt Daina picked her up from me as we went to eat, when Nora pointed at me and said "That's My Dada". She's had a few more now. She's even beginning to nod and shake her head for yes and no. With dinner this is very accurate cause this means she's done. If I don't listen she'll say uh-uh and push my hand away. Other times she just shakes her head even though she knows it true.

Back to the yard, my trash service will no longer pick up my yard waste without a fee. I tried to find other trash services (there were 3 in the area) for comparison, but one moved out, and the other doesn't take yard waste, so here I am having to get a service that used to be included. Their rationale is valid: The landfill is nearing full, so they want to make it last, but still. This was not an expence I was expecting. I guess I can offset it by removing the recycling option, but for now I wait 20+ minutes to talk to a rep.

Tootsie's maintenence is this Friday. Normally it's a couple of shots, but her teeth are terrible, and she won't let me brush them, so I have to have her knocked up and then her teeth cleaned. Hopefully after this rather expensive procedure, the Missus and I can help ward this off with a little cleaning after we brush nora's Tee (she says tee, Nora seems to simply ignore ending consonants).