Thursday, January 31, 2008

Go State!

I'm not much of a basketball fan. Never really have been, but I will stop and watch College Basketball over Professional easily.Well last night I found out that my Alma Mater (Kansas State University) has been having a good run so far with their basketball team. SO much so that after 24 years of home turf beating, we finally defeated Kansas University in Basket ball, something like 82 to 75. I caught the aftermath, where Willie the Wildcat was bodysurfing and there were fans all over the court.So I just wanted to post and gloat about our basketball team, and I hope to run into some KU fans here at work.Also, this does empasize the truth I found in college: We cannot have more than one good sports team at a time. While I was at KSU, our football team was a powerhouse, our men's basketball team was pitiful, now our Football team has moved to mediocre, and our baskeball team is now 1st in the Big XII (or Big XII North, or just the region, but they're top somewhere in the Big XII) and undefeated.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Parenting is tiring

Went to visit the In-laws this past weekend, so they could wish Nora a Happy Birthday. She enjoyed the time, especially exploring all the new areas. This is where the tiring part comes in. She's walking, walking well in fact and she'd just up and go in one direction. Since the houses we visited weren't 100% baby-proof, that means you follow her to make sure she's not getting into anything. Well she went everywhere twice and tried to touch the light sockets. this wouldn't be that bad except for some reason she thought sucking on her fingers first would be a good idea.

Other than that it was a fun weekend, She's a hoot and isn't afraid of family anymore. Also, it reached near 60 degrees this weekend so it was nice and Spring like. Today however it's dropped to low 30s and we're expecting sleet/ice/snow today. Yay midwest weather.

I'm still in the process of uploading birthday pictures, and have to plan on getting her 1 year photos taken sometime soon.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I used to think I had a decent immune system

and then I had a child. Wow. For her what was a simple sniffle, and perhaps a cough laid me flat for 3 days, set my Acid Reflux up 3 notches and 2 weeks of attempting to reorient myself back to normal life. Just wow.

She celebrated her 12th Month this past weekend. Many pictures, and it was very cute. Gave her her own cake. She looked at it, then grabbed it with her hands, taking back a large amount of frosting. This you could see in her eyes confused her, as she had no clue as to what she had in her hands. Well, she soon found out that frosting is tasty and had more of that than her cake, but still, plenty of pictures for it.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

No more stranger danger and shoelaces

Well our babysitter who's temping for our babysitter who is on maternity leave had to go to court on Monday and then Tuesday, so we had to drop little one off at Grandma's. This worried the both of us, because Nora has this habit of wailing when she's not with Mom, Dad or Jami.

Well, after the initial "MOMMY DON'T LEAVE" cryfest, she settled down and had a grand ol' time with Grandma. So much so that she got to go there again today even though the new babysitter didn't have jury duty.

Mom has a physical tomorrow so she'll go back, but still it's good to see her laugh and babble and talk with people other than the 3 of us.

This morning I was getting ready to tie my shoes, when the lace snapped off. I've had these shoes 8 years now, so i guess it's time SOMETHING on them started to fail (Dr. Marten's may be an expensive shoe, but by God, they have proven to be a very decent investment). So now I have to figure out how to buy a pair of shoelaces that aren't too short. That's been my problem in the past, buy a pair of laces, come home, and they barely go 1/2way up the shoe... So looks like I'll be searching on Saturday.

Gotta clean house this weekend too, since next weekend is Nora's 1st Birthday party :)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year and so on and so forth

Had a nice vacation. Went to the in-laws for Christmas, the worst part being the drive down. I ran out of wiper fluid about 1/2 way there, but that's okay, because everyone else at the rest stop did as well. I just had to hope the trucks slopped enough water on my windshield to wipe off the muck they were flying. (side note, we had a real bad ice/sleet/snow storm the day before, and the roads were meh at best. Before I hopped on the toll road I saw at least 9 cars off the highway, and about 4 other spots were cars were). I washed the car as soon as we were down there, yes in 20 degree weather I had to wash my car.

Nora was cute, she even got a photo with Santa where she wasn't crying :) She wore a little Helper Elf outfit and was cute. Unfortunatley she also got an ear infection (both ears) on Christmas that we found out about this past Sunday. Poor little thing.

New Years wasn't all that, went to bed at 10, woke up to fireworks at midnight, wished Sara a Happy new year and went back to bed.

Now I'm back at work and swimming through emails, voice mails and getting ready for a meeting. yay.