Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Parenting is tiring

Went to visit the In-laws this past weekend, so they could wish Nora a Happy Birthday. She enjoyed the time, especially exploring all the new areas. This is where the tiring part comes in. She's walking, walking well in fact and she'd just up and go in one direction. Since the houses we visited weren't 100% baby-proof, that means you follow her to make sure she's not getting into anything. Well she went everywhere twice and tried to touch the light sockets. this wouldn't be that bad except for some reason she thought sucking on her fingers first would be a good idea.

Other than that it was a fun weekend, She's a hoot and isn't afraid of family anymore. Also, it reached near 60 degrees this weekend so it was nice and Spring like. Today however it's dropped to low 30s and we're expecting sleet/ice/snow today. Yay midwest weather.

I'm still in the process of uploading birthday pictures, and have to plan on getting her 1 year photos taken sometime soon.


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