Monday, October 29, 2007

New Phone

Well, after 7 years, I finally admitted that my cell phone needed an upgrade. It's battery lasted at most a day, I'd drop calls anywhere, and it just took forever to find a signal. So I went to the Sprint store and got myself a newer phone. It can have ringtones on it and everything, but that costs a lot of money to download.

The only thing that irked me with the phone selling experience was that I was informed I had to enroll in some Data Packet/Sprint TV thing. The rep said it was mandatory, but I could call Customer Service to cancel it. Seemed like a lot of runaround for something I didnt' want. So I called Customer Service to cancel, and the lady over the phone was quite nice on it. So much so it sounded like I may have gotten My local Sprint Store in trouble... she didnt' seem to understand the Mandatory enrollment either.

Monday, October 22, 2007

So close to 70...

I play WoW (World of Warcraft) for those that don't know, and I am level 69 (hehehehehe) about 12 bubbles in, 8 to go. For some reason, this last level feels like it's taking FOREVER. I just want my flying mount, is that so much to ask? Well Tuesday & Wednesday are open (after Nora goes to bed, nothing much I sit and watch on those days) so here's hoping I can get to it then.

Course, with the project I'm on at work going to system testing this week, here's hoping I can get home on time this week to play.

Nora hit 9 months this friday, and it feels like an eternity since she was just a wee lass that did nothing much more than cry,eat,sleep. She's quite mobile, and very wiggly. Giggles a whole bunch and is learning quite quickly that liquid comes out of a sippy cup. It's really hard for me to remember the early days of her childhood. Perhaps this is ingrained into the human psyche, so those of us who had a hard time adjusting forget and say "let's have another kid :)"

Monday, October 15, 2007

Something a bit lighter than shredding a snake by mower

I'll talk about my recent foray into the world of our Judicial System.
Picture it, July 30, 2007 I receive in the mail from the Judicial System a parking ticket for 38.50, for parking somewhere downtown. Baffled I looked at my car and saw it was not mine, but my wife's tags. After some talking with her, we both realized we have NEVER been down that far into downtown, so are clueless as to why we are paying 38.50 for a ticket.

I call the number, and the first lady wasn't much help. Called again, and this time the woman realized what I was saying and asked what type of car are these plates on. I say White Ford, she says the ticket is for a Blue Pontiac.

GREAT! it's a type-o, they'll look it up, give me an extension, and get back with me to see if it can be outright dismissed.

Called back about a month later to find out that "The tags belong to me and if i want to argue it more, I'll have to go to court". This irritated me, as I already know the tags are mine, the car they have them attached to is not. So I called again, got the runaround, called one more time and this lady, very helpful wrote my complaint down again and said her supervisor would let me know. Got the call later that day with the same answer "Set up a court date".

So I did. This past thursday I drove downtown to the courthouse (actually a lot easier to get to than I expected) Got accosted by a homeless man for cash, walked through a metal detector, hand my ankles checked for metal and off I went.

My first impression was that I was the best dressed defendant there. Everyone came in with whatever they were wearing the night before. Here I am in a Pinstripe suit & Tie, looking better than a few of the Lawyers :)

Second was how business-like the whole atmosphere was. My court time was at 11, I was there at 10, so I sat and watched the 10 o'clock proceedings. I believe 10am was for Moving violations rather than parking, as there were quite a few Continuances, a lot of accepting Pleas, and three men in orange jumpsuits who pled guilty to lesser pleas, most of them were 155 fines plus some time served.
All the while this is going on, the Prosecution was sitting at their table doing paper work and occasionally uttering "Yes, Judge/No, Judge" when the Judge asked a question. Organized Chaos.
Okay, so 11am turns around and Parking problems surface. I sit and listen to one "Trial" (it wasn't Law & Order courtroom trial, just the guy up there, the Officer who assigned the ticket, and the Prosecutor [ side note: I'm getting old, the Prosecutor was my age] talking to the Judge. This guy had his adult son own a car that needed to be tagged and fixed. So this brilliant son fixed the tires, then went into his dad's garage, found an old expired license plate, and put it on the car, thus getting the ticket. He was found Not-guilty.

My turn, I stand up and say "Here, your Honor" because it seemed like the right thing to do. Pleaded not guilty, and went to trial. after swearing in the prosecutor read from the ticket with what felt like standard questions on how the ticket was served, how they found my name etc. Judge asked if I had any questions, I did not, then asked me how I wanted to prove I was not guilty.

I said simply, "The plates are mine, the car is not" and produced my registration. The judge asked if the plates were stolen, I told him no. He asked the officer if she could have transposed some of the numbers, she did not think so, but the Judge said, well this is pretty solid here so Not guilty, you're free to go. I left the courthouse, got accosted by the same homeless person, and went back to work.

So basically the ticket, instead of costing me 38.50, cost me 2 hours of work and 4.50 for parking.

As an addendum: wearing a suit at work is asking for a lot of questions. We just don't wear them anymore so you always get asked one of three questions:


I liked some of the looks on peoples faces when I said "I have to go to court today".

My first death by lawnmower

Mowed the lawn this past weekend. It was a tad overdue because of the amount of rain we've been having, but not to worry, I used the clippings as mulch around some areas of the house that needed some filling up, and under my porch which apparently is a low spot and becomes a lake during heavy rains.

Anyway, whilst mowing I saw a field snake in my lawn. This would not be a concern of mine except I have an overly inquisitive dog that would have irritated it, and a baby girl that will eventually play out there. While I debated on what to do with the snake, he decided to slither under my mower and BAM decision made. Well mostly. I had to take the remainder of the snake and toss it over my fence, and take that round of clippings and put it out front, away from the dog...

Other than that it was a Sunday with part clouds and we had the house open all day.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

By Request

Here is the last four months of my baby girl.. I hope:

Monday, October 08, 2007

Ren Fest 07 - Finale

Well Nora's first foray into her parent's idiosyncrasies ended with a third and final visit to the rennaisance Festival. This past weekend was Pirate Weekend, so Sara had made a costume likening to a wench/pirate. I altered mine just enough to look like a pirate as well. Place was awful hot, humid too, bu tmostly hot. So hot that Nora sat with a frozen bottle of water in her lap, licking the condensation off of the bottle and enjoying ourselves.

During the walkabout we found none other than Captain Jack Sparrow, so the Missus and I went and got a picture with him. He had to go shortly after that, because the Rum was calling. Anyone want to see the pictures, they're in my photobucket album.

Monday, October 01, 2007

New Shoes

Well New costume shoes. There's a Spirit Halloween store that opened temporarily in my area and Sara wanted to go to look for a Pirate Sash. She didn't find anything, but I finally found a parae of Shin High Boots that would hopefully look good with my Ren Fest Costume. My other boots, while good, wind up causing me great pain by the end of the day. Steeled toed Engineer Boots, hard stuff.

Sara wound up buying material and will make her own sash.