Mobile Baby means more work for Dad
Yup, my daughter is crawling. Sort of... She'll get faster as time goes by, but she's mobile now, which means I need to babyproof the house. Plug guards, door guards, and the baby gate. This thing is not difficult to use, but constant: Take it down put it back up action will drive me batty, so I'll probalby have to secure it. Don't think it'll be difficult, which means it will be a pain in the keester.
It's also fall now, the two trees I worked hard with this summer to keep alive (at the cost of my lawn) are starting to turn. I'm hoping that means they're okay, and not just dying but I'll just have to wait and see come Springtime.
Cleaned out my BBQ Grill Grease Trap this weekend too. Never really done that before or ever really. I need to get a new grill cover though.. the intense sunlight has completely disintegraged the cover, so it sheds all over my grill now. I don't know why I keep it on the grill, I guess it's better than nothing.