Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day

I had the in-laws in town and I brought my parents over for a BBQ at about 11am. So Early! yes, I know, but after noon, the sun pours all over my deck and it's pretty much unbearable to go out on that thing until after sunset.

Anyway, I think I grill better for a group of like 8-10 than I do 2-4. the grill is covered in meat & corn, and all of it came off juicy. Nummy Nummy.

Ren Fest started this weekend too. All of us went and most of us got sinus/allergy headaches. Mostly because it's been so dry here for months, the dust there is off the charts.

Going to go again this weekend, and do our traditional Olive garden Never Ending Pasta Bowls dinner.

Nora's now sleeping swaddler-less, mostly from this weekend. We went to dinner and didn't get home until 8ish. SHe didn't nap much during the day, and zonked out in the car. DID NOT wake up when I got her out of her seat, and I just decided it was best to lay her in her crib, where she slept well to 6am.


At Tuesday, September 04, 2007 8:45:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd say hi to you Brad. That and your comments sections have looked rather lonely for a while now so not they aren't :)


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