Monday, September 10, 2007

Mowing weeds and celebrating 31 years

Who would think that mowing the lawn (what's left of it) would be so draining. Granted, the sun is on me for most of the time, as my trees aren't old enough to cover the backyard but still. Spent most of the time pulling up Crabgrass. I've ignored the rest of the weeds that have taken root in my once fertile lawn, mostly because they grow up. Since Crabgrass grows out, it doesn't really get mowed, and I want my lawn to at least have a fighting chance of coming back next spring.

Went to my mom's last night and had the whole family over. My stepfater, my brother and I all have the same birthday, so we had a family hoopla over it. Pork Country Style Ribs, Corn on the Cob, Potato Salad, fruit, chips dip etc. Also Mom made each of us our own cake. My Stepdad's special (Yellow sheetcake/ Chocolate frosting) My brother got a cheesecake, and I had a funfetti cake with sprinkles :). it was a good evening. Nora also didn't cry when Grandma & Grandpa held her YAY! We're making progress!

Tomorrow is my actual birthday and Sara plans on taking me out to dinner. Here's hoping the Cold we caught from our daughter doesn't keep us from going. Although since NEITHER of us got really any sleep last night, we may have to postpone until we're a bit back on the weather.


At Monday, September 10, 2007 6:13:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope that you have a good day tomorrow:-)


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