Thursday, March 29, 2007

Like Father, Like Daughter

Little girl went for her 2 month checkup yesterday. Got immunization shots. Apparently she hated those so much, she screamed so long, the nurse checking her out asked if she was sunburnt.

Also, we had concerns as a couple of times we saw a little blood in her spit up. It wasn't "OH MY GOD MY BABY IS BLEEDING OUT THE MOUTH CALL 911!!!" but enough to ask the doctor...

Apparently she has baby Acid Reflux, just like her Daddy with the adult version. So she's on 1ml of Baby Zantac,.... like her Daddy with the adult version.

She also took some Baby Motrin for her legs, which she wailed if anyone touched them (immunization shots). and she apparenlty liked that :)

EDIT: I forgot stats for those that want it. She's now 23.5" and 12lbs 15.5oz.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring has sprung

And my first "Mowing of the lawn" post this season. I wanted to change the oil in my mower, but I had a few other chores to accomplish that day, and the weather was threatening to rain, so I just ran it. Speed time too, in under an hour. Yay.

My daughter's set to be baptized on April 29th, after the noontime mass, which coincidentally is the mass that 1st Communion is set.

Rome's over. Pity, it was a really good show.

Battlestar Gallactica ended its season last night, I was okay with what they did for the big reveal of "who's a Cylon" but


I can accept all but one of the new Cylons. Tigh? Colonel Tigh? The man that fought them when they were toasters? C'mon Man!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My bank contacted me

via email (in my Junk folder) saying that I have been randomly picked to help update their Fraud & Identity Theft measures. Gave me a website and everything.

I find this just a SMIDGE odd, because athe bank is Washington Mutual (WaMu). and... I don't have an account there.


Monday, March 12, 2007

So my Disney collection is growing

Shouldn't be surprised really. I have takena mental tally of my DVDs and noted that many are not as "child friendly" as they could be, so We've started buying Disney.

Got Peter Pan and Aladdin this weekend. Loved Aladdin, never really watched much of Peter Pan, guess we will now :). I had Lion King and Robin Hood already (and all Pixar shows but Bugs Life & Cars). Need to find Beauty & the Beast, Mulan, and Cinderella (the first one, not II or III...when did they make II?!)

OOH also, I need need NEED the Winnie the Pooh DVD. This will probably become a staple for my daughter, as her great-Grandmother loves Pooh Bear, and has given us a bunch of stuff with Pooh on it, it just seems to fit.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Show Hiatus and why I hate them

This is not referring to after the Season Finale and waiting for the fall for them to start up. I've lived with that my whole life and I'm okay with that. What I'm referring to is get to a really good spot in a show, then say "In x months all new episodes" and in the meantime place some crappy mid-season show in it's spot.

This came to a head last night after I watched "Heroes" (probably my one and only show I would stop to watch, even over the Doctor). We're getting to the nitty gritty, and have maybe 4 episodes (if you count 22 episodes/season) left. Well, after the show they say it'll start back up April 23rd... wait, what? April 23rd?! Thats .. (counts fingers) 7 weeks way.. almost 2 months of no Heroes? Why NBC why? (Side Note: I think i figured out the reason. Doesn't make me happy but I cann accept it. I'm putting money down on March Madness for the show hiatus)

ABC Did this to Lost, and quite frankly I think this is why I no longer care about the show. It was gone to long.

I'm just afraid that the same will happen to Heroes. Perhaps not this season, but if the executives decide, "Hey, this ins't a bad idea" and do it in seasons future, it might go the way of Lost.

Just show me the shows until the Season Finale, then do reruns or a new show, Please TV People, Please Stop breaking the show's fluidity mid-season.