Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Show Hiatus and why I hate them

This is not referring to after the Season Finale and waiting for the fall for them to start up. I've lived with that my whole life and I'm okay with that. What I'm referring to is get to a really good spot in a show, then say "In x months all new episodes" and in the meantime place some crappy mid-season show in it's spot.

This came to a head last night after I watched "Heroes" (probably my one and only show I would stop to watch, even over the Doctor). We're getting to the nitty gritty, and have maybe 4 episodes (if you count 22 episodes/season) left. Well, after the show they say it'll start back up April 23rd... wait, what? April 23rd?! Thats .. (counts fingers) 7 weeks way.. almost 2 months of no Heroes? Why NBC why? (Side Note: I think i figured out the reason. Doesn't make me happy but I cann accept it. I'm putting money down on March Madness for the show hiatus)

ABC Did this to Lost, and quite frankly I think this is why I no longer care about the show. It was gone to long.

I'm just afraid that the same will happen to Heroes. Perhaps not this season, but if the executives decide, "Hey, this ins't a bad idea" and do it in seasons future, it might go the way of Lost.

Just show me the shows until the Season Finale, then do reruns or a new show, Please TV People, Please Stop breaking the show's fluidity mid-season.


At Wednesday, March 07, 2007 6:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, TV people totally suck. They're always screwing with your mind...

At Wednesday, March 07, 2007 9:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally, Heroes is my TV crack. They just had how long of a hiadus for December/January and boom again. Its bad enough I have to resort to netflicks for my Doctor Who. Well, that's my couple cents.

At Saturday, March 10, 2007 6:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hee. We've been netflixing really old episodes of Dr. Who. Currently we're watching the twelve episodes: the Genesis of the Daleks, which shows how the Daleks were originally created. Very interesting, and the Doc has two companions, Sarah Jane and a guy named Henry. I recommend them!

At Sunday, March 11, 2007 3:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was looking at those too because we got netflixes as well. Matt's a little irked b/c I had season one in queue and so that's the only thing being sent right now. I'll definately have to watch the old ones now. I was just excited b/c most of them you can watch online so then he and I are movie happy. Oh, you know this already but Sarah Jane makes a cameo in one of the season episodes.


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