Monday, January 29, 2007

Back at work

Well my week at home is over, I'm back at work while Sara takes care of little one.

It's a rough restart here, as I just entered my office when I realized I left my computer at home. Oops. Anyway back and just finished sifting through emails.

I hope they do well at home.

Side note: I apparently named my daughter "The Great North American Whooping Baby" due to her whooping outbursts while she sleeps at around 2am some morning. I do not recall this but Sara does.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Snows melting Dog's happy and ...

what on earth to infants dream of? I say this as my baby girl is sleeping, then makes these "whooping" noises every once in a while and goes back to sleep. What does a 6 day old dream of?

My dog is home, and appears to be okay after missing me for a week, and having a trip to the Emergency Doggie Hospital (no, Rowlf wasn't there, or Dr. Bob)

Anyway my brother noted she was acting off, and took her to the vet for me. Turns out my Dog has a compressed Disc in her back. This is very common for Dachshunds, where "back problems" is second nature. She's on Puppy Ibuprophen and acting quite normally. I hope she can handle hte stairs better, and I'll look into getting her those stairs so she can climb up to the couch.

Bottle feeding the young one is easier and faster, but there is a crap load of cleaning bottles involved. Now I know why parents have asbestos hands. You have to clean those things in searing hot soapy water... and only way to get them out is to reach in and grab them. I hope they'll toughen up soon.

as a tangent: I've been washing my hands for everything now, and they are so dry they're bleeding. Owie. Hoping Eucerin will aid that.

My daughter's off the BiliBlanket (aids in curing Jaundice, which poor thing had) so we can actually sleep in our room tonight. We've been downstairs me in the chair, Sara in the couch while she processed all that yuck out of her by sleeping on this fiber optic blanket. Our little glow worm. We have pictures for it :)

Nothing else is new, cept the missus is getting cabin fever so we're going to attempt to go out into the world. Visit her work then off to my parents. She'll be a week old so it should be okay. Nervous about it though.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Life altering event, party of 3 this way

Can't talk long as Mom & baby are sleeping and we have a doctor's appointment here in an hour, so I have to get ready while things are quiet, but in essense:

5:02pm, 8lbs 4oz, 20in my baby girl by the name of Nora arrived on January 19th.

She's doing fine, but on the same learning curve as us, which is frightening and frustrating. She is also however very cute so she can get away with it.

I'm off for the week learning to be a parent, and to help with all the things around the house while Sara recovers as well; like the massive load of laundry that somehow appeared when we got home.

anyway time to take a quick shower before next feeding/changing time.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Marching towards the due date, surviving a late winter

Well, My wife has run up and down the stairs, walked all over the house, and even tripped down the stairs last night (NOBODY PANIC! She's fine, mostly her pride was hurt and the baby started moving almost instantly after) Anyway I bring that up to show that just about EVERYTHING (well, save spicy foods) has been tried to get the baby on her path to the new world, and she's stubbornly staying put until she's ready.

It's not a bad thing due to the weather this weekend. WE've only had two spouts of winter, and when they showed up it was a doozy. First was near Thanksgiving with all the snow (bout a foot, foot.5) and this weekend we had ice, sleet, freezing rain, drizzle, sleet, snow, freezing rain, snow and more sleet. It's now only 5 degrees outside and will be for the next few days. This would have made the relative short distance to the hospital that much longer.

Another dent is that we purchased a new stove last week, (GE, glass countertop et al) and we have yet to deliver the thing because the weather is keeping it firmly at the store. Hopefully we'll have the stove delivered before the baby, otherwise a Grandparent might have to wait there :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

My wife needs to finish thoughts

If you've ever watched Arrested Development, there's a doctor who would say something horrific about a family member, only for it to mean something more benign.

Sara did this to me yesterday by saying "I'm off to the doctor's."

Now this harmless little statment meant she had her standard weekly appointment and she was off to it. Of course, my mind, being that of a very new father in waiting, went towards.. "How far apart are the contractions? Your water break? Where's your bag for the hospital? Is the baby seat in her room?"

She laughed at me and told me to calm down.

Calm down well, untill she was told by a rather surprised OB/GYN that she's Dialated to 3 and 50% effaced.

So now, I have the carseat in, her bag and the baby's bag are with me, I've got my Spongebob Window shade up, and we're ready. I hope....

So any day now fits a whole new meaning when you're wife has passed early labor and can start real labor at any point in time. Not to mention freezing rain and drizzle is on the horizon for this weekend, making it even more hospitiable.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm Ready for Labor!

Well as much as a man can be. We took our "Childbirth On the Go" Class last night. It was a cruch course of all sorts of techniques to help bear with labor. Case in point, the breathing is not to forget the pain or anesthetics, but they pointed this out, when in pain we grimace and tense and HOLD OUR BREATH. These things actually increase the duration of labor and could put stress on the little one. Breathing helps oxygen flow to the contracting uterus and help it do what it needs to do.

We also found out that the birthing rooms have Jacuzzis and 2 Plasma TV's How neat is that :)

Sara's pretty convinced Little one will be here on or very near the due date, so that puts us at basically the 2 week mark.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

things you learn

I learned yesterday at the baby shower my co-workers threw for me that Deli Cheese has little paper slices inbetween the cheese slices. It also is a good idea to remove said paper before eating cheese.