Last Mowing Post I hope
It's become an obession apparently.
I'm praying the rain they're predicting will not come till later this evening. As, I can mow tonight without fear of bagging. That's my plan at any rate
Backup plan includes putting put pictures. Since we now have all the furniture in the living areas, the pictures are going up. Yesterday inbetween Mother's Day visits to Mom & Grandma, I put up my Shotglass holder, and my shotglasses (Side note: I"m miffed at the Excalibur Shotglass I got from my brother. It's Uber-cool with a little sword in the stone in it, however, I guess the heat from somewhere popped the glue of the stone to the glass, so I have to reglue it) so tha tcorner now looks "full". I also got permission to put up my Hunting party picture.
Now, before people think men in camoflauge drinking bear and holding rifiles... It's actually a large gathering of Men in red Coats on Horses with the Hounds, kinda British Fox Hunt. It's behind the Loveseat, where the missus said she'd like it because she'd rarely see it there :)
My Birthday Present of a handmade Clock will hopefully be up by this week upstairs in the living room, along with my Water & Farmhouse picture. Then comes Sara's Medevil prints and various other photos that were hanging all about the house.
I guess this is more of a reminder to me than to blog, but I need to get to Home Depot and look at making a 74" long, 24" deep countertop for some cabinets my Stepfather is making for the kitchen. That and a shed that'll fit in near our house to appease the 10ft easement rule.
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