Posting fo rthe sake of Posting, Part II
The weather is odd, even for the midwest. One day it feels like spring, the next we're in an Ice Storm Warning. Little one wants to go swing because it's bright and sunny.... and only 10 degrees.
Holidays are now over and the full swing of work is in effect. Next up, birthday #2 is this Saturday. Hard to get her things, as she has a ton of toys, it's hard to find a gift she could use and not loose in the mound of stuffed animals duplos, and little people she garnered from Christmas. Oh well, she gets a cupcake cake and her family over, she'll enjoy it.
Chores still mount in the house, but I think I've found a method to get them worked out. Wish me luck on that.
Heartburn is being a pain in the keester now. well, just when I wake up, aparently my incline isn't doing enough to keep the acid from my esophagus. I have to call in my prescription again to get a refill, and my wife is wanting me to see a specialist. I'm passing it off with the caveat "I don't have the time" which is childish, stupid, yet oh so sadly true. If i have a free day between now and 2010 I'll see about setting up an appointment.
Sucks about the heartburn. Funny though about Nora's cake, I'm doing a cupcake thing for Lily's too.
Cupcakes are cuter and easier in my opinion. Plus, they often have better frosting, although I don't honestly know why. Tell Sara we miss her posts!
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