Monday, November 17, 2008

Same ol' Same ol'

Since the only real thing I could post was the 4+ hours I took to vaccuum my lawn, I decided to talk about my near fatal accident this morning.

Before I go on: No, it didn't happen, I was driving defensively and paying attention so it didn't happen, but it could have.

Simple enough, I'm at an intersection where my office is front right facing me. so i'm nearly at work. My light turns green, the other is very red when I notice a car that's barreling down the street (they are a ways away, and it can easily stop at the light) that isn't slowing down. I begin to move out in the street, keeping my eye on these lights that are going, at rough estimation with no gadgets to actually see, 35-40mph. Sure enough I nose myself just past the crosswalk when I have to stop, because Mr Impatient barrels through the intersection with a VERY red light and keeps going. I didn't think of honking, but I think I heard someone else do it for me.

So that's my story for today.


At Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:24:00 PM, Blogger Kathleen said...

That would have scared the crap out of me. And I would have honked. Too bad we don't have some way of notifying police so they can catch them.


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