Monday, October 20, 2008

Potty training postponement

Well, possibly. Nora's got either pretty bad allergies or a fledgling cold. Runny nose, croupy cough, and if she's that out of it come Saturday, we'll postpone again. Yes, she's pretty much ready, but she's still under 2 years and so far every time I've plopped her down on the potty she's not done much. I think when she tells me "potty" she's already done it.

Oh well, if that doesn't happen, then we switch to loading the attic. That was supposed to be this weekend, but a couple of headaches and an afternoon nap threw that out the window.

Lawn's slowing down, and the leaves are dropping, now I debate on either mowing now, or waiting until all the leaves are down to vaccuum them up.

Someone have some extra motivation for us we could borrow?


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