Monday, March 31, 2008

Blah blah blah

Nothing newish or anything going on here. Nora loves the Wonder Pets (although sometimes I wonder if Sara loves them more, and that is Sewious!) My main on City of Heroes is now 47, 3 levels away from max level.
Rained yesterday, dashing our plans of a cookout, so I got KFC instead. Took 20-30 minutes to get it too. Apparently, they ran out of cooked chicken. I have to wonder how a place that sells pretty much only chicken runs out of it, but it was tasty so I didn't mind.
We recorded Cold Case instead of Dexter from last Sunday, so I learned how to run the "Play it now" feature on Netflix. And since it was DVD, saw it unedited for Network TV.
it was 62 all the way to work this morning. I'd jump for joy, but we're supposed to have pretty severe thunderstorms today, and then the temp will drop back into the 50s.

Well, that's all the boring bits of my weekend. Toodles.


At Monday, March 31, 2008 2:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lily's on another Wonder Pets kick. She now likes to sing the song at random. Its cute. I like Sara like to watch it. I think that show is a lot better then others. Oh and the only time I've ever went to Popeyes they too had ran out of cooked chicken. A

At Wednesday, April 02, 2008 7:22:00 PM, Blogger Sara Bishop said...

I would like to add that I did not eat the KFC, as I dont like their chicken cruelty, so I had some cruelty-free fish from McDonald's. :-)


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