Monday, March 17, 2008

Gordon Ramsay and my new DVR

I have to thank Gordon Ramsay (and Kim & Aggie, the Doctor and Captain Jack too) for our new DVR box in our upstairs living room. Why? Simple, BBC America went from a basic channel to premium (28-263) so we really had no way to watch our shows upstairs anymore. This irritated both Sara and myself rather severely, so I looked into getting a new box for upstairs. It was then that Sara asked that it be DVR, so she could record shows she falls asleep to anymore. Well, It's not THAT much more, and with some bills being paid off the money will show up soon, so we now have a DVR upstairs. First recorded show? The Covenant: Sara wanted to rewatch some scenes. Second show? Yo Gabba Gabba. Apparently Nora likes to dance to this.
After a few months we'll probably get one more box to go in the master bedroom, and then We'll be set.


At Thursday, March 20, 2008 7:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love our DVR...over half of our shows are Lily's. A


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