Mary Sue Scavenger Hunt
My wife pointed me to this Mary Sue YouTube (specifically Potter Sue for the genre) and it's a very pretty song, and a good parody of Mary Sue's.
Look up on Wikipedia on what a Mary Sue is if you do not know.
Now, I'm considering asking my readers (all 1.8 of you) to find some good Mary Sue fiction. Like the best of the worst. From there I can pick a Top Pick from each and then get a Grand prize.
Either that or have a Scavenger Hunt for pieces in fan fiction-dom that you can find in a story.
A) Two or more males fighting over her
B) Pink Hair (or another hair color that isn't found in nature but they have it naturally)
C) Cat ears
D) Wings where people shouldn' t have wings.
E) Magic in a Science Tech story (like a mage on the bridge of the Enterprise)
F) 3+ paragraphs on one kiss.
G) Most convoluted background.
H) Ability to talk to animals (think Snow White)
1) Keep it clean. PG or better.
2) keep it short (if this is possible)
Genres to look for:
Harry Potter, Star Trek, Star Wars, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Stargate SG1, Buffy, Angel, Firefly,
Lord of the Rings, Superheroes (justice league, Superfriends), MMORPG (CoH/CoV, WoW, DAoC, EverQuest)
Legality stuff
I make no claim on any of the stories presented to me. They are not mine, I cannot and will not use them for any profit. If they are copyrighted, let me know and I will remove them.
If people pick, make sure they are from public boards like, and not personal blogs.
Opinions will vary. Few will enter. Many will be offended. I will remove any and all personal attacks or name calling on my blog. Any response to said deleted responses will be deleted. This is not a message board people.
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