Monday, April 21, 2008

Dead Bunnies and lawn care

Mowing my lawn yesterday I found I had nicked a baby bunny with the blade. IN a panic I thought I had terminated all three of the little guys I saw, but on closer inspection, I had not hit the other two. I'm guessing they died due to theheavy rains earlier this week or just weren't healthy enough to survive. I had to put them in the field behind us, because my dog is an inquisitive animal, and Bunny Gore on her face would surely turn off my wife, and nauseate me a bit.

Nora loves spring. At least the grass on her feet was a new sensation she appreciated. Giggled and laughed while roaming about the backyard.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mary Sue Scavenger Hunt

My wife pointed me to this Mary Sue YouTube (specifically Potter Sue for the genre) and it's a very pretty song, and a good parody of Mary Sue's.

Look up on Wikipedia on what a Mary Sue is if you do not know.

Now, I'm considering asking my readers (all 1.8 of you) to find some good Mary Sue fiction. Like the best of the worst. From there I can pick a Top Pick from each and then get a Grand prize.

Either that or have a Scavenger Hunt for pieces in fan fiction-dom that you can find in a story.
A) Two or more males fighting over her
B) Pink Hair (or another hair color that isn't found in nature but they have it naturally)
C) Cat ears
D) Wings where people shouldn' t have wings.
E) Magic in a Science Tech story (like a mage on the bridge of the Enterprise)
F) 3+ paragraphs on one kiss.
G) Most convoluted background.
H) Ability to talk to animals (think Snow White)

1) Keep it clean. PG or better.
2) keep it short (if this is possible)

Genres to look for:
Harry Potter, Star Trek, Star Wars, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Stargate SG1, Buffy, Angel, Firefly,
Lord of the Rings, Superheroes (justice league, Superfriends), MMORPG (CoH/CoV, WoW, DAoC, EverQuest)

Legality stuff
I make no claim on any of the stories presented to me. They are not mine, I cannot and will not use them for any profit. If they are copyrighted, let me know and I will remove them.

If people pick, make sure they are from public boards like, and not personal blogs.

Opinions will vary. Few will enter. Many will be offended. I will remove any and all personal attacks or name calling on my blog. Any response to said deleted responses will be deleted. This is not a message board people.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Behold! and Bask in my manlyness

I fixed the toilet.

Yes, settle down, let me explain so I can truely receive your gratitude.

Thing's been leaking since we moved in, but this past week it was worse than it ever was. Like every 5 minutes the bowl would refill itself. So I buy a new flapper and look at the old one. The plastic had softened to the point of warping, and it would have never kept a decent seal. SO I trim the new one, place it in, attach the chain to the handle, and Viola! no more leaky toilet! You may kiss the ring now.

Oh and I got my lawn mowed before the FROST LAST NIGHT! Midwest weather...

Monday, April 07, 2008

Nothing New so Stream of Conscience post

Nothing out of the ordinary in my life so I post just thougths and ramblings:

1) My grass (what remained from last year's scorcher) is getting long enough to mow. Looks like next weekend I get to pull out ol' Bessie and go for a lawn chewing.
2) My daughter woke up crying today at 2a, didn't go back to sleep until 4:45a. At this point I should mention I get up at 5a. Ah Monday, you are so cruel.
3) Speaking of poor sleep, one day last week, can't remember when, I got to bed around 11:30p, then got up at 12:15a with a full bladder, and again at 2a. Then at 2a, my mind decided to Rick Roll me until 4a. At that point either I just succumbed to exhaustion or stopped listening to that song.
4) I don't think I've ever made a list on my blog before... yay me.
5) Bought new Roman Shades for the living room. We reorganized to keep the youngun from climbing on the couch and over the bannister raling. worked decently so far, except the bookcase we moved has harsh edges which she can bonk her head on, so back to the Baby store to find some cushions for those, but back to the Shades. Since we've moved everything we put the TV on a different wall. Needed an amplifier to get a decent signal, but we're still not getting all of the channels we want, so it'll either have to move back, or we need to find a way to run the cable over to the TV area so that Little One won't mess with it (a tall request).... BACK to the shades. The new TV faces our bay window, and the blinds there are nice, but not very private. Everyone can see in. SO we went looking for possible replacements and JCPenney was having a helluva sale on them (buy 1 get 1 for a buck) and so I got three new blinds that would have cost around 125 for about 60. :) But now I get to hang them up.
6) Federal Return came in. Yay. now I can pay nora's Anisthetic bill, renew the Home Owner's warranty, and finally start on the attic storage project. Home painting is still on the list.