Monday, March 31, 2008

Blah blah blah

Nothing newish or anything going on here. Nora loves the Wonder Pets (although sometimes I wonder if Sara loves them more, and that is Sewious!) My main on City of Heroes is now 47, 3 levels away from max level.
Rained yesterday, dashing our plans of a cookout, so I got KFC instead. Took 20-30 minutes to get it too. Apparently, they ran out of cooked chicken. I have to wonder how a place that sells pretty much only chicken runs out of it, but it was tasty so I didn't mind.
We recorded Cold Case instead of Dexter from last Sunday, so I learned how to run the "Play it now" feature on Netflix. And since it was DVD, saw it unedited for Network TV.
it was 62 all the way to work this morning. I'd jump for joy, but we're supposed to have pretty severe thunderstorms today, and then the temp will drop back into the 50s.

Well, that's all the boring bits of my weekend. Toodles.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Post Toasties

Don't have much to report except we went to the in-laws for Easter. Nora was adorable. She had an easter egg hunt at Great Grandma Bonnies. She caught on that you take the little egg and put it in the basket. "OOOOOH"ing each time.

Then a large familial gathering at Great Grandparents Gruenbacher. she got to play with her cousins Haley (12) and Kylie (9) who had as much fun watching her. She also started whistling while playing, which we caught on camera. She had on a pretty little yellow easter dress that poofed out when she had her sweater zipped up. We have plenty of photos, none of her really as she's too mobile to get a decent picture of her currently.

She got a couple large stuffed animals, and her parents got a big eared chocolate bunny. It was a nice weekend, with a few bumps. Nora was overstimulated and overtired on Easter Sunday, so she didn't wqant to sleep, less she miss something important, so that took an hour to calm her down. Also, the ride back, the last hour she really wanted out of her carseat, so she whined and cried and screamed until we hit Lee's Summit. Once out of the seat she was just fine.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Gordon Ramsay and my new DVR

I have to thank Gordon Ramsay (and Kim & Aggie, the Doctor and Captain Jack too) for our new DVR box in our upstairs living room. Why? Simple, BBC America went from a basic channel to premium (28-263) so we really had no way to watch our shows upstairs anymore. This irritated both Sara and myself rather severely, so I looked into getting a new box for upstairs. It was then that Sara asked that it be DVR, so she could record shows she falls asleep to anymore. Well, It's not THAT much more, and with some bills being paid off the money will show up soon, so we now have a DVR upstairs. First recorded show? The Covenant: Sara wanted to rewatch some scenes. Second show? Yo Gabba Gabba. Apparently Nora likes to dance to this.
After a few months we'll probably get one more box to go in the master bedroom, and then We'll be set.

Monday, March 10, 2008

New Post new week

I missed putting up a mundane post last week because last week was anything but mundane. My daughter got her first real illness last week and Lord, was it a doozy. It started by large amounts of crankiness followed by vommiting up her breakfast during her mid-morning nap, and again after that was cleared up. (Note: Regurgitated Bananas smell awful in your daughters hair, and are a pain to clear out of ear canals.)

This was followed by more vommiting the next day. Then no more vomit. Yay? no, then came the diahrrea or however that's spelled (here on referred to as the trots). This wasn't terrible until Monday noonish, where I would go through 4-5 diapers at one changing, and changing happened every 10 minutes. Odd colored, no consistency, and very potent on the smell guage, this set of trots lasted until Thursday. I would have billed her as well on Wednesday, but we didn't get a normal bowel movement until Saturday.

This all being said, she got her tubes in on Friday. That was a quick and easy surgery. She was happy and playful all before, and then was REALLY mad when she woke up and was around people she didn't know. the face on her was cute "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? WHERE ARE MY PARENTS?! THERE YOU ARE! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME HERE WITH THESE PEOPLE?"

Found out this week that when Nora takes a nap, I get much needed downtime. It was bad for both of us when she decided to miss one of them. She'd be cranky because she's tired. I'd be cranky because I didn't get a battery recharge. Taking care of a kid is tough :)

Going to sign tax forms tonight, then ship them off. Yay refunds

Nora went to Grandma's today, as our babysitter now has 2 kids with the bug Nora caught. Before anyone blames Nora, she caught it from another ward in our babysitter's care, so blame her :) no. The parents didn't see any problems with her for over 24 hours and thought she was okay to go back to daycare. Well the little one showed her parents wrong, didn't she? :)