Lovely Ice laden weekend
I probably had stuff I wanted to post about during the week, but since I've really been only posting once a week, the weekends are what I remember best. This time was Saturday.. Nora got up from her nap and then off to Wal*Mart we were to go......
.. Until I left the sanctuary of my garage and got onto my driveway. I noticed that I was moving even though the brake was fully applied. There was ice on the driveway. Street too. So after some slipping & sliding we made a decision to not go to Wal*Mart. However, we needed to get back in the garage. I couldn't make a straight go at it due to fishtailing, so I parked in the street (where I found ice there) and slowly scooted towards teh driveway to walk in. Bad Idea. My truck couldn't handle it, so why should I? Landed painfully on my knee. Then I realized that snow was on the grass, and even with ice on it, that gave traction. So I walked up (hobbled, limped) to the garage.
I got my rock salt from there (really wish i didn't have to, it'll destroy your concrete, but what was I to do?) and salted the driveway as well as some of the street. This gave me enough traction to get back in.
Wife & I went a bit stir crazy the rest of the day, since we knew we couldnt' leave the house.
We were able to go to Wal*Mart on Sunday, it sleeted at 4:30 am that morning (10 points to anyone who figures out how I know the time). and that put grit on the ground for my tires to lock onto.
NOW I'm hearing a 6pm-12am Tues-Thurs Winter/Ice Weather warning for the area..... joy.....
So, is this the normal winters up here then? Just wonder by the saracasim since I've been de-winterized by the last three years...
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