Monday, April 23, 2007

One WOW and one Meh...

So we'll start with the Meh...

Sunday was predicting terrible storms, possible hail. So I avoided my every so happy chore of mowing the lawn and fertilized the ground, waiting for the rain.

and waiting....
and waiting....
and waiting....

It didn't show up. Apparently it wanted to go further North. So now I have fertilizer on the ground, whole damn bag full and no water. I'm hearing possible rain tonight/tomorrow, so I'll be lazy and wait till then before I go puling out the sprinklers.

Now for the WOW!

My baby giggled at me this weekend. Sara got to hear it earlier, but this weekend She giggled at me. It's not a full blown belly laugh yet, but it's enough to call all the family and brag... :)

Speaking of bragging. Sara's friend Audrie visited us last year with her then 6 month old baby girl Lily. She was rougly Nora's size and was beginning to crawl. This weekend I got to see Lily at a year old, Much larger and walking..... Holy Crap! when she get that big?


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