Thursday, May 31, 2007

FARK Post removed and other things

after 437 replies, the Powers that Be removed it, either due to it being a duplicate, or the flame war it ensued turned it ugly. Oh well, I had my 15 minutes of fame.

Nothing much new or fun to report in my life. Can't mow the lawn, every time I get home it rains, but at least It's not the deluge we got about a month ago.

My daughter's doubled her birth weight, and started on solid foods...if you can call pudding-y Rice Cereal solid foods :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I've been posted for FARK!, a website that mainly puts up odd and interesting news articles with snarky comments, has recently posted an article I submitted. Now, at this moment in time, it's only viewable to paying subscribers, so I can't post a link or anything yet, but still. I got a link on Fark! :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Update and dream

Been a while since I wrote so here's an update. My backyard dried out, and I found that "Narnia" (A little cubbyhole inside my coat closet) got just enough water and mud seepage to make the basement stink. I've had to clean out the mud, dry up the water, throw away the carpet pieces in there to get it smelling right. Now I have to seal the cracks I found, and get some new carpet pieces for it.

If that's not bad enough, the water seeped under the sill plate and into the finished portion of my basement. I Febreeze'd the corner to death, and now we have an odd smell of Febreeze and mildew. I'm going to have to shampoo it, and febreeze it again, hoping that will kill the smell. I'm not much in the mood to replace the basement carpet.

And since I almost never remember a dream, I'll scribble what I can about the one I had this morning.

I was a pirate on the Black Pearl with Jack Sparrow. Then I became an actor working on the Carribean, not just an actual pirate. I was teaching a kid about the clock and it's direction to you "Got your 6, etc." We were going on location, so the Black Pearl was DRIVING down this lovely scenic ride to get to our spot. The alarm went off shortly thereafter.

Monday, May 07, 2007

I have a pool!

Well, actually it's more of a swamp. Starting Sunday, our neck of the woods have been deluged with rainwater. So much so we have now not only surpassed the monthly average for May, we have surpassed the annual rainfall average. And that's just on Sunday! It's scheduled to rain all week long.

This wouldn't be so bad, but the ground is supersaturated, causing it to pool in my backyard. Again, not so bad as it's not getting into the house. It's flowing down my lawn as a river into the storm drains. This is where my first "real problem" shows up. It's running right alongside my house, eating out a hole at the front edge of my garage. the dirt is just no longer there. and with 5 more days of rain, i don't know how bad it's going to get before I can fix it.

That all said, as long as the water stays outside, I will accept having to fix that area.