Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Acid Reflux

I had the most painful occurance of Acid Reflux this morning. Part is due to my incline pillow slowly flattening out. That's the start. Then for some reason it decided to flare up like a Dragon while I was driving into work. Never has that drive been longer. Burning, and itching.. Itching? inside my ears and nasal passages, I'm surprised I could concentrate on the road. I got into the office and took four of my ultra Antacids. That seems to have settled me for now.

Now I have to wonder if I should once again talk to my doctor about possible medical intervention of the "lets cut them open and see what we find" variety. As far as I know I have the worst case in the family.

and now the cute moment: I watched Nora lull herself to sleep this morning looking at a little light that changes color and makes Womb noises.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Baby Pictures

I have had requests from many of my wifes friends to post more of my daughter.

So here is a link to some more photos:

I have more, but they're currently only on Wal*Mart, so I have to transfer them over to Photobucket.

Not much going on in the world right now. Still all revolving around my baby girl. As much as I think i call the shots... I don't.

There's a book Sara got called "The Happiest Baby on the Block" or something to that effect. Buy It. read it. It's helped us rather well.

random thoughts:
Swaddled babies look kinda funny, and it seems awful clausterphobic, but she doesn't seem to mind.

Heroes is getting exciting.

Yesterday was beautiful weather. I think it was only in the mid 50s, but since we've had single digit temps forever and a day, it felt spring like.

Our daughter's baptism is now in the works, but I do not recall, nor have I heard of the process my church has.

1) We have to have our Godparents sign a certificate, as well as their priest, with a seal of their parish to certify they're Catholic and therefore be Godparents.
2) We have a 2 hour meeting with someone at the church
3) We have a meeting with a parishoner couple

I don't know why about 2&3, guess I'll find out early March. I'm hoping with #3 we can also talk to them abour getting our marriage blessed in the Church, kinda 2 birds, 1 stone deal.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Taxes Taxes Taxes

I'm doing my taxes. Honestly I feel comfortable with my Federal, but state Taxes, man, ..

Since I moved last year, i'm having to do a partial resident thing with both KS and MO, and I honestly don't know if I've got them set up right. The refunds (or payments) seem to be on the extremes.

I could go to H&R Block, but don't want to spend the 200+ it'd cost to have them prepare my taxes. However, since I'm not confident, I might buckle.

I'm glad this comes only once a year, I dread this more than actually having to set up the Christmas Tree and place on the lights.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Baby Duty Weekend

My wife has been overly considerate of me having to go to work, and has pretty much slept on the couch this week to take care of little one whilst I sleep. Well, starting tonight, and for the weekend, she gets to sleep and I take care of the young'un.

I know it's not hard, feed, diaper, burp, and console little one is pretty routine to even me by now, it's the waking up every 2-4 hours that'll hurt. That and trying to convince a 2 week old that sleeping at 2am is a wonderful thing.

On a Side note: it's almost time for me to prepare my taxes. I think I have all the forms, now I just hope that I can get a decent return so I can either pay off a credit card, or allow my wife to stay home the full 12 weeks of Maternity leave she deserves.