Friday, February 02, 2007

Baby Duty Weekend

My wife has been overly considerate of me having to go to work, and has pretty much slept on the couch this week to take care of little one whilst I sleep. Well, starting tonight, and for the weekend, she gets to sleep and I take care of the young'un.

I know it's not hard, feed, diaper, burp, and console little one is pretty routine to even me by now, it's the waking up every 2-4 hours that'll hurt. That and trying to convince a 2 week old that sleeping at 2am is a wonderful thing.

On a Side note: it's almost time for me to prepare my taxes. I think I have all the forms, now I just hope that I can get a decent return so I can either pay off a credit card, or allow my wife to stay home the full 12 weeks of Maternity leave she deserves.


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