New morning time drinks
I know this point in a person's blog, I should reflect on Christmas and create an itinerary of my Christmas gifts this year. I do not wish to do that. Christmas was fun, I got a lot of gifts, and next year will be a whole new experience.
However, I have found two new warm drinks that I can apparently take without fear of gastro intestinal retribution.
The first is Postum, Instant Hot Beverage. Original. Naturally Caffeine Free. The bottle statest that it's a Rich, Full-Bodied Taste, and it does deliver. It's made from wheat germ, and initially I was skeptical, but I kept thinking about it and decided to buy a jar and try it. I am remarkably impressed. Here's hoping that I can continue to drink it.
The other is Ginger Tea. That's it, no lemon, no black pepper, no Tea flavored with Ginger, just Ginger Tea. This is surprisingly hard to find, and eventually found it at a health food store. It's terrifically spicy, so I can't let it steep for as long as the directions state (10-15 minutes make a very spicy and overpowering drink) but This Tea is suposed to aid in digestion, and my mom showed me an article where a person "cured" their Acid Reflux with it. Now I'm not that optimistic, but I am hoping it'll bring me back down to at least one Nexium a day.
For a Pregnancy Update, we just entered Week 36, or "The Ninth Month" This is now pretty much on my daughters time. as she can arrive at any point when she feels like it. However, If she's not here by Jan 27, they'll begin talking of inducing.