Friday, April 14, 2006

Been a week

so I feel I should post something here.

Not much going on in my life, so i suspect it will be a short post.

Easter is this weekend, Yay! Ham sammitches here I come. There is also the possibility that I will get an Easter basket this weekend as well. Double fun. Toots is staying with my brother this weekend. She likes it there, she gets to lick all the ankles she wants.


At Friday, April 14, 2006 4:07:00 PM, Blogger Ceshell said...

Carson got his first letter from the Easter Bunny that's going in his scrapbook and he's getting a basket too. I haven't gotten yet, but I'm looking for a baby basket. Why's Tootsie at your bro's ? Yesterday the mexicans from down street's chiuauas (sp.) came to visit our yard. I want one now.


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