Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Breaking in the bag

Well, this weekend I decided to wait to mow the lawn until Sunday. Good idea... Sunday It rained, Monday, Tuesday it rained, so now, God Willing, I will be able to mow tonight, which by this time means that the grass is WAY to long to just mulch, so I have to bag, thus adding an hour to the already 3 hour shore. Since I won't get started until 5, There's a change I'll have to split it up, doing 1/2 tonight, and the other half tomorrow.

Could someone remind me why I thought I'd love mowing the lawn?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sometimes being an adult sucks.

I remember first hating adulthood when I had to find my own insurance... that was a nightmare of pricing and talking and well I got my VIN number memorized.

But now, part of it I put on myself with responsibility, the rest is just need. I have a flex day tomorrow, but I have to wake up early to make sure I can go to an appointment where they'll probably screw up poking me again so I can go again.

Actually, scratch that, I'm not going. I'm not going to die tomorrow just because I haven't bled. My numbers are still low, so I have time to find a place closer to home (there's a center in Lee's Summit that I hope can help) and I want to sleep in.. well at least until Sara wakes up.

So, I could stay at home, but then more responsibility hits me in the face.. the bathrooms need cleaning, dust is showing up, there are still a few boxes in the front room that can be unpacked, etc. etc. etc. Sometimes I wish I could shirk the responsibility without feeling guilty...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

One month of relative bliss thenn

after a weekend away from my home, my Acid Reflux or GERD came back with a vengence. It's as if the Nexium did nothing. Was it the food? Possible, but I kept a decent eye on what I ate, was it the overly soft bed? again possbible, I woke up with the familiar feeling in my throat.... but that was 3 days ago, and it's only gotten worse.

Am I becoming Immune to the Nexium? It's again a possibility. I could rotate through the GERD medictations. I'll go back to watching what I eat like a hawk, but please, Heavenly Lord above, maker of all that is seen and unseen, I don't want surgery.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Been a week

so I feel I should post something here.

Not much going on in my life, so i suspect it will be a short post.

Easter is this weekend, Yay! Ham sammitches here I come. There is also the possibility that I will get an Easter basket this weekend as well. Double fun. Toots is staying with my brother this weekend. She likes it there, she gets to lick all the ankles she wants.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Bleeding sucks

I went in for my quarterly draining, in accordance with the scripture.. at least the ones where I drain my blood to keep my iron count at a normal level. Anyway, once the nurse came in, I knew there'd be trouble. It started with her telling us she wasn't going to use the one needle that doesn't allow us to clot (by Us, I am referring to my brother and I, we tend to go together to our draining.) Anyway, she got him all set up then went to me. Slowly stuck the needle in, which hurt like hell, and missed the vein. For a year and a half, they've never missed. SO of corse she starts noodling the thing around, trying to strike paydirt. She decided to bring in another nurse as it's obvious she's "killing me" because as brave a boy as I am, if it hurts, i tend to make noises. ANyway, 3 nurses tried and failed, so they had a go at my left arm, which never works for me. Any takers on what happened? Right, they missed again. At least this nurse was nicer about it. So, after 2 tries, and probably a real good bruise, i have to come in again in 2 weeks to try this again. The only good news out of it is I'm pretty sure that nurse was annoyed with me so she'll avoid me if I come in again.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I own a Lawnmower!

And a Weed Eater (which, I found out is a brand name for Trimmer/Edgers).

It is a Toro, front wheel drive, with a 22" blade and Recycler® mulching system. That puppy can cut. However, my lawn was about a week and a half overdue, so it got cloggy, and lots of clumps. After I finally finished mowing, I had to go get the WeedEater. Another Toro. Has a bump-n-feed system for the fishing wire. Got about 1/2 way done with the backyard when I had to admit there wasn't enough sunlight to finish.

My lawn looks nice and manicured now. Next up: Woodchips for under the porch, and around the house. I'm thinking of getting rubber ones to up in the Swingset area.