Thursday, July 31, 2008

Doctor Who - The Stolen earth

Is so far the BEST episode of the new Doctor Who series. I can't wait to see Journey's End, since this is a two parter.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The zoo is so different, but it still has MONKEYS!

The KC zoo has been in a state of flux for the better part of a decade, maybe longer. It looks nothing like the zoo I used to go to. In fact I think the only thing left that resembles that zoo is the sea lion exhibit. The wife and I took our daughter there with a friend and her kid to look around. We knew we wouldn't see the whole zoo, so we took Africa, the longest away from the enterance and largest to walk around. Although hot, there was decent shade so it wasn't that bad. We saw most of the animals. Granted, they were sleeping, but in that heat, who could blame them? Then we saw the chimp exhibit. We nearly passed it because the doors were shut and it looked locked. I opened it up and brought my girl in, and I'm so glad we did. She's been on a Monkey kick mostly because she can say the word. Well here was a whole pack of them, so she sat with her face and hands pressed against the plexiglass hollering MONKEY! MONKEY! with a smile to match.

we got home around 3 that day, and she took no afternoon nap. Well, perhaps a power nap but that's the extent of it. Normally, this would have made the missus and I nervous, cause She gets VERY grumpy without that nap. Well, she proved us wrong, and was in a wonderful mood until night time. She probably could have stayed up later, but Mom & Dad needed some downtime, so she went nigh-nigh at 7.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dark Knight, Double XP & potties

Well Dark Knight rocked, waiting for movie #3. On City of Heroes/Villains, I gained a level.5 on my Tank, and 3.5, yes 3.5 levels on my Mastermind. I'm a tad burnt on the game, but in .5 levels he gets to 44, and his Mace Power.. yay.

Nora's still showing signs of potty training, although she likes to just sit on the potty for a second and then play in the bathroom. She is knowing when she needs to go/just went and goes to the restroom. I think my wife and I are the ones avoiding this, rather than her :)

Everything's happening fast. My daughter is now moving out of toddler and becoming a full blown kid, We're thinking of the time to start having another, but we don't have any room for him. I need the attic created, the house painted, the lawn weeded, a tree saved from mites... Bit overwhelming when the whole forest drops on you and you're trying to count the trees.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Time has come

And I ain't happy.

My daughter is showing interest in the potty. She likes to sit on it (well her S's are coming out as S-H's, but that's another post) but she hasn't actually peed on it yet. Found out yesterday she's showing interest because her friend at daycare is potty learning.

As a parent, you know this day will come, but I don't think even the prospect of "No more diaper changes" prepares you for it. Toilet Learning scares the P-wads out of me. mainly due to accidents. Why would this daunt me, a man who has changed diapers for 18 months now? Well, training pants are cloth, she has her own bowl that doesn't have plumbing, meaning you have to clean it in the toilet, It means I have to stop stalling and fully babyproof the bathroom. It also means my baby is barely a toddler anymore, and she's now a kid.

Top it off, we have a strong feeling she's teething. Fever with no explanation, almost constant crankiness, and she pointed at her mout the other day and said hurt. Poor kid, this is the worst tooth yet, and it's been over a week now, that tooth is being a pain.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Eat Bacon!

That way God won't have any War Pigs available to send down up on us.

This random thought brought to you by a 15 hour session on Guitar Hero II for the PS2.