Monday, March 20, 2006


Takes a very long time.

Spent the weekend looking for the ever elusive Tall Blue Kitchen Trash Can. Got a runner for the garage door to the stairs, a lovely purple picture with the Japanese symbol for dream for the bedroom, and a Doorbell extender that stopped working. No trash can.

Almost cleaned out garage to park truck in it. That should be coming in the next week. Fixed a closet to make it back to a normal height. The previous tenants lowered the bar and addeed 4 shelves into each of the other bedrooms. While this is good in the Noah's Ark Room, the other needed it back at it's normal height. That was really easy to fix :).


At Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bed, Bath, and Beyond might have a blue trashcan or maybe Target. Wal*Mart's, if they had one, would be ugly. We got a white one, but need to replace it since something's growing in the bottom of it.


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