So I had a date day with the missus on Saturday. We went to see Watchmen, and followed it up with lunch out.
First Watchmen: A very well written movie, one that was dark, had heavy subject matter and handled it quite humanly. I was rather impressed. Also, this movie helps me understand the basic differences between a comic book, and a graphic novel (the movie was based on a DC Graphic Novel). Graphic Novels obviously handle more serious subject matter, more adult, they appear darker, and may not end all happy go lucky. The cinematography of the movie felt like they took scenes straight from the book, which I liked, as the graphic novel depicts the events visually more than just textually. Anyway, it's a good watch and I'd recommend it. Just don't bring the kids... it's not a kiddie superhero movie. Also, be prepared to avert your eyes one some scenes. Rorschach is not a kind hero.
Second Lunch: We were going to grab a quick bite at the local Chik-Fil-A when we couldn't get to the drive through... Driving around it we noticed that the line was circling the building. at 1pm. Now, I've tried their sandwhiches once. It's a tasty thing, but still, it's just chicken with pickles on a bun. That's it... I don't understand the extreme draw of it as "OMG this is the best tasting meal I have ever eaten!" but I do think it's a tasty meal. Anyway since I didn't want to wait 45 min just to order, we went to Red Robin, and I had a burger (side note: I know I should avoid eating beef due to the Iron content but took labwork on Friday, and have a followup on the 20th, so either my Iron count is low enough for the burger not to have hurt, or I'll be draining then to remove the iron built in my system) with an egg on it. Interesting taste. The burger was the main flavor, but the egg added an interesting flavor/texture to the meal. I don't know if I want to have a fried egg on my burger from here on out, but it wasn't bad.
I guess I'll end this post with a whiny ponderance on why we need Daylight Saving Time anymore. I mean honestly, losing that hour is a real pain. and I enjoyed waking up in the daytime.... I hate to think it's so entrenched that we can't remove it. "For the farmers" is the arguement I hear to keep it, but 1) They can get up with the sun, they did before, they can again. 2) don't most Farm equipment nowadays have headlights on them?