Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Since we're on the subject of maladies

I want to complain about Acid Reflux, or GERD (Gastro-Esophogeal Reflux Disorder). I have recently been diagnosed with it. The malady is simple enough to explain. Acid from the stomach doesn't stay there, and starts splashing up in the Esophagus, causing all sorts of fun from a tickling cough in the back of my throat, to severe heartburn. I mostly stay on the cough. But the cough is bad. Before I finally allowed myself to say i have GERD, i would try to fall asleep, and cough all the way through.

Doc gave me some meds and it got the cough under control. I put myself on 2 Prilosec OTC a day, but the cough has grown stronger in recent days. I couldn't fall asleep last night because I couldn't stop coughing, and this morning a co-worker offered me gum to help slow the coughing.

I guess I need to try some harder stuff, like Nexium. I was going to blow it off, as I have things to do like work and cleaning up the new home. But then my co-worker told me how hers got so bad her esophagus would spasm and she simply couldn't swallow, not even spit. Her mother's was so bad, the scar tissue in her esophagus kept her from swallowing all together.

Nothing like a true horror story to bring the point home. So I have to take 4 hours leave tomorrow to go see the doc. Here's hoping it'll work, and I'll have to say g'bye to Hotsauce, Hot Wings, Pepper, Coffee, Tea, etc.


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